Dear Dad,

As I sit here in the library at Florida State University trying to get an assignment done, there is only one thing on my mind. I keep thinking about my father and how blessed I am to be his daughter. My dad turned fifty yesterday and that number should phase me but it doesn’t. When I think of my dad I think of someone who is hard working, honest, hilarious, courageous, outgoing, sarcastic, adventurous, loving, and everything more that I strive to be in my time on this planet.

I started thinking of my dad because I began to feel insecure for a minute when I looked around at all of the beautiful girls sitting near me. Then I remembered that just yesterday I was telling my dad about how the fraternity boys at University of Florida were so kind to me and his response was,

 “That’s because you’re absolutely beautiful.”

I remembered that my father said this to me and realized that his opinion is the only opinion of a man that has been valid in my life thus far and I am so grateful for that. To know that someone as brilliant as him thinks that I am beautiful is an accomplishment.

I think I have this really awesome ability to let people know I love them but not enough and not in a way that I should. I find myself distant and concerning people with my lack of selflessness. In an effort to gain self-confidence I have lost track of putting forth admiration for others.

So in writing this post I would like to tell my father that I love him.

I would like him to know that everyday I get up and I work hard because that’s what he did and if I grow up to be half as successful as he is, I will have won. When I define successful I mean that my dad is happy, confident, and busy. I strive to be someone who cares so much about others yet still holds a head so high.

Every day I wake up in hopes that I will love someone as much as he loves my mother, brother, and me. I hope that I grow to be as intelligent as him and as willing to listen to others.

Thank you dad, for reminding me that I am beautiful when I feel the complete opposite. Thank you for teaching me how to care. Thank you for showing me what hard work and dedication looks like and for being so accepting of my goals. Thank you for allowing me to go on the journey I am choosing to even if it is a bit unsettling at times. Thank you for being you and helping me to become the best version of myself that I can.

Happy Birthday, I am so glad that I am given another day to love and admire you.

Your daughter,

Savannah Lee

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